Celebrate Spring by refreshing your outlook - mindfulness in the everyday.
/Get out in nature! Enjoy the season.
We can bring mindfulness into our every day lives very easily and it can have profound affects. Mindfulness is just about paying attention to your life in the moment. You are letting go of thoughts or worries about the past and future and just allowing yourself to be where you are.
A day full of mindfulness might look something like this:
When you awake, just pause, Feel the texture of the sheets against your skin, notice the warmth of your body temperature. Move your toes. Notice your morning breath, the first breaths of the day. Visualize the breath coming in as a clear new breath, energizing you to start the day.
Morning Shower
When you shower, just shower. Decide that this time is for nothing else. There will be no planning, no thoughts. Just the sensations of the water on your body and the sound of the water.
Morning Coffee (or tea!)
When you are making your morning drink, do so with care. Think about it as a ritual, be conscious of each movement. Before you drink, close your eyes and smell it. Savor that smell and take your first sip.
Stepping Outside
When you first step out, look up. Notice the sky, the color, and the cloud formations. Look for a way to connect with nature. Notice the blossoming trees you pass, a window box (and if you are lucky) a garden. Take a minute to really absorb the details.
Try Something New
Every day, allow yourself to try something, whether it is a slightly different route to work, a new recipe, a new book, or something more challenging like an evening class or a trip to a place you’ve never been.
Take a Break
Drink a glass of water. Be aware as you choose the glass you will use. Notice it filling up as you place it under the tap. As you bring the glass to your lips, notice the sensation. As you take a sip, feel the coolness in your mouth and your throat. As you drink, notice each sensation throughout the body.
Evening Meal
As you prepare your evening meal, think about the ingredients. Where did they come from and what natural elements were essential to their creation: the sun and the rain. How many people have been involved in the process of getting these items to you? Be aware of the smells of each individual ingredient and the different textures involved as you touch them.
When you eat, just eat. Focus on the action of taking a spoonful, of drawing it up to your mouth. Notice the sensations in your mouth, the reaction to the taste, the smells, the textures. Be aware of the sensations as you chew and swallow.
And to Bed
When you are lying in bed with the lights out, become aware of the weight of your body. Notice how it is being held by the bed. Notice the weight of the back of your skull and how it is being supported by the pillow. Feel the texture and sensation of the sheets against your skin. Begin to slow your breath down. Focus on fully exhaling. As you exhale, visualize a releasing of the day. Each inhale contains a soothing and calming full breath.
Enjoy the moment.