NEW- Audio Personalized Meditation sent to you.
If you have particular concerns at the moment such as anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, grieving, feeling detached, send me an email outlining your experience and I will send you an audio guided Meditation. Given our current circumstances I am offering a pay what you can via PayPal or Venmo.
What is Meditation?
It is possible to find a deep state of peace when the mind is calm and silent. Meditation can be described as many things such as awareness, stillness, witnessing, understanding, reflection, concentration, mindfulness or relaxation.
There are many forms of meditation and I teach a number of techniques depending on a person’s needs and current circumstance. Guided Meditation in the form of body scans can work well in the care and hospital environment. I teach Mindfulness Meditation, Vipassana, Mantra, Guided, Silent, Metta, Healing, Chakra, Compassion and Gratitude Meditation as well as many forms of Pranayama and Mudra.
When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated during these session, this allows the heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure to slow down, muscles relax and digestion at its most efficient can take place. Regeneration and cellular repair can take care at this level, brain waves slow and increase in synchronization across different areas of the brain.
The benefits are....
of Meditation are becoming more and more scientifically researched. They include:
decreases depression
decreases anxiety
reduces stress
improves focus and concentration
improves memory, learning and self awareness
improves mood and sense of wellbeing
reduces risk of heart disease and stroke
improves immunity
reduces blood pressure
& much much more!